Our Programs

Education Program

Overall Objective of Education Program is to provide an inclusive, equitable, and quality education that empowers underprivileged children and youth in Zambia to reach their full potential, bridging educational gaps and fostering a supportive community that promotes holistic development and lifelong success.

Checkout our projects such as Access, Literacy, Play-based Learning 

1. Increase access to quality education for underprivileged children and youth in Zambia.
2. Enhance the learning experience through innovative and interactive methods, resources, and
3. Build the capacity of educators and education stakeholders through training, mentorship, and
4. Foster community involvement and ownership in education, encouraging active participation
and support.
5. Focus on the holistic development of pupils, including their social, emotional, and physical

Health and Wellness Program

The overall objective of health and wellness program is to improve the health and well-being of marginalized communities in Zambia by increasing access to quality healthcare, promoting health education and awareness, and addressing health disparities, with a focus on vulnerable populations, innovation, and community empowerment.

Check our projects such as Mental Health and wellbeing, Sexual Reproductive and Health Rights (SRHR).

1. Provide vocational training and skills development programs to enhance employability and
2. Help individuals and households increase their income through sustainable livelihoods and
economic activities.
3. Improve food security through sustainable agriculture practices, nutrition education, and
access to markets.
4. Increase access to financial services, such as savings, credit, and insurance, for marginalized
5. Build resilience to climate change through climate-smart agriculture practices and disaster
risk reduction initiatives.

Livelihood Improvement Program

Overall Objective for Livelihoods Improvement Program is to enhance the economic resilience and wellbeing of marginalized communities in Zambia by providing sustainable livelihood opportunities, improving income security, and promoting climate resilience, through innovative and inclusive economic development initiatives.

Check our projects like; Empowerment, skills development, and financial literacy.

1. Increase access to quality education for underprivileged children and youth in Zambia.
2. Enhance the learning experience through innovative and interactive methods, resources, and
3. Build the capacity of educators and education stakeholders through training, mentorship, and
4. Foster community involvement and ownership in education, encouraging active participation
and support.
5. Focus on the holistic development of pupils, including their social, emotional, and physical